Archive for February 28, 2012

There’s an old hip hop saying that goes like this, “It aint where your from, It’s where your at.” I believe those are the fine words spoken by a true hip hop legend by the name of “Rakim.”
I’d like to think when the phrase was mentioned he was referring to a pro MMA fighter by the name of Johnavan “The Immortal Warrior” Vistante.
From Oahu Hawaii to Miami Florida, the Immortal Warrior has conquered all obstacles in between and has left his mark on an elite group of fighters on local mma fight circuits across the country.
Johnavan has found a home at Evolution MMA here in Miami Florida training with Dan Monteleone, who is the owner, coach and head trainer here at this fine facility for elite fighters. He was welcomed with open arms and fit into the family just perfect. The Evolution MMA facility breeds champions and Johnavan came to the right place.
The training here at Evolution MMA is intense and brutal but very rewarding at the same time. Johnavan is putting in the much needed work. Why is that you ask?  Johnavan “The Immortal Warrior” Vistante will be representing Team Evolution on the next Ultimate Fighter Live Reality Show due to air March 9th on FX. The Islands of Hawaii are buzzing right now as well as the city of Miami. The Evolution MMA Champions are at it once again and there’s no stopping them.